Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Of Grant & Samira

It really is the best of both worlds when you to get to do what you love with people you love who happen to be in love.

Which I love.

(If you couldn't tell ^_^)

Grant and Samira are adorable, funny, and surprisingly good at accents.

Mogli was good for 2.5 seconds, basically enough to get a family shot, and portrait. The bow tie!

Thankfully the heat wasn't so extreme, and we were able to get out and shoot<3

Sometimes you don't need fancy locations, we made good use of the backyard!

Just your typical band/engagement photo. EP to follow.
A fave<3

I'm sure you are wondering "these people look like models, are you sure they are real?!" And to that I reply with this photo:
Real, unpredictable reality folks.
Thank you Grant and Samira for lending me your faces!



  1. Amy!! Great Work!! I love how you captured the best of these beautiful people! I'm able to see their goodness and love for eachother in these images!! Of course, this comment is totally unbiased.
    With Love,
    Sylvia, Grant, and soon-to-be Samira's, Mom ;)

    1. Yaaay so glad you liked these! Hooray for your family❤
