Monday, February 2, 2015

Chelsie and Will

Things I now know and LOVE about Chelsie and Will:

-They are high school sweethearts
-We laughed and giggled through our shoot
-They got engaged at our church's kids camp event
-They are totes adorbs
-lastly, Chelsie came prepared for this shoot. Her props were so fantastic!

Chelsie's adorable Save the Date<3
Beauty and the Beast<3
We had some jolly trolley time

Making Chelsie laugh<3

Balloon saving the date (isn't she great with ideas?! Pinterest!)


 One of my FAVES<3
 You've got to use that hair ;]

Can't wait till these two tie the knot!
xo Amy Marie
for more photos check out:

Friday, November 7, 2014

Of Grant and Samira

Raise your hand if you've ever worked retail. Yeah...I see those hands. All across this room. Let me pray for you...seriously. Last year my holiday seasons started at the very end of summer. Retail is very fast paced. It's a whirlwind, and for the most part so rushed you hardly have anytime to enjoy the ACTUAL season in it's present time...before it's wrapped up and everyone is waiting for spring to come.

Can we promise to not rush this time? 
Do yourself, and wallet, a favor and spend quality TIME with your loved ones.

Somehow in my dream for owning my own photography business I don't think I could have accurately interpreted the times and seasons that would await the leap of faith. How could I have known this would be the WILDEST, most crazy thing, I have ever stepped out in. Leave what you know, and head into the area God has called you to.

Which leads me to my next point: marriage ;]
(You had to know there was a tie in at some point ha)

Grant and Samira are pretty darn cute...and you've probably waited long enough to take a lookie-loo at these photos. I think this wedding had some of the most funny moments I'd ever experienced photographing. Genuine, candid, belly laughs. At the same time looking fantastic while cracking up. Just plain good genetics I tell you.

 A beautiful backyard wedding<3

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Of the Kaufman Wedding

Jake and Brittany are two of the cutest people you will have the privilege of laying eyes on shortly.
& totally kind. 

Those are the words I hope come to mind when you step into the marvelous wedding day of Jake and Brittany.

{{Shout out to their amazing family and friends who made their day possible! I was blessed beyond measure to spend hours with you all}}

Let's get to those photos:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Of Brittany's Bridal Shower!

Hello all!
Don't just skip to the photos if you can help it ;]

Good things are worth waiting for. This is a good thing I've been waiting to release to you ;]
I figure if I'm learning to wait for things maybe you all have been as well? It's always a great exercise to strengthen and stretch my patience muscles.

A few things I know about Brittany:

1. She is stunning!! You'll see in the photos ;]

2. Her family, and the one she is gaining in marriage are more than wonderful folks. Such a blessing to see and experience that. Being in their company for the shower was so nice. It makes me all the more excited to spend close proximity for hours on their wedding day!

3. She is a gem, and so compassionate. She's not a wedding to me. I've had the value and honor of being in a 'small group' (Christianese for a lovely group gathering of people who spend time together to talk and pray. HELLO who wouldn't want caring thoughtful people in their life like that? I digress ;) But any who, I've witnessed Brittany ready to be there to thoughtfully pray, and support others above her own needs. That's beautiful to me!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Of Grant & Samira

It really is the best of both worlds when you to get to do what you love with people you love who happen to be in love.

Which I love.

(If you couldn't tell ^_^)

Grant and Samira are adorable, funny, and surprisingly good at accents.